A Proposed Model for Measuring the Performance of Smart Cities in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Acting Head of Architectural Engineering Dept. Delta Higher Institute for Engineering and Technology, Al-Mansoura, Egypt

2 Researcher and Ph.D. candidate at Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha University, Egypt.


Smart communities/cities are technology-based urban communities, those measures supporting a city to improve its social, economic, and environmental conditions and provide a better life for the city's residents with their participation in the planning of city projects. Many classifications indices, reference frameworks, forums, and assessment centers have developed; such classifications indices and centers govern and measure the performance of existing traditional and smart communities/cities and also work as guide lines to create new Smart communities/cities or transforming existing traditional cities into smart ones.
The criteria of such new communities vary from one category to another and lack or omit some dimensions to interact and merge with the surrounding urban environment, especially the already existing communities. That would have a negative impact not only on smart communities but also on the entire community as the new smart communities that would appear secluded form neighboring urban environment. Therefore, the need to reduce these negative influences of existing communities and gradually transform them into smart communities is important to enhance the interaction efficiency. Therefore, the necessity of activating the existing cities and transforming those into smart ones in Egypt is essential.
Therefore, the research proposed a comprehensive model to measure the performance of smart cities in Egypt that derive the dimensions, standards and indicators governing the global rankings and add what is missing from these classifications achieving a reference framework or mechanism to serve as a new classification helps to assess performance in response to the requirements of smart communities.


Volume 44, Issue 1
Volume 44 (1) issued on 1/1/2021 in 3 Parts: - PART 1: Mechanical Engineering - PART 2: Civil Engineering - PART 3: Architecture Engineering
January 2021
Pages 51-71