Practical Study of Sustainable Green Building Materials: Faculty of Engineering Building, Menoufia University

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Menoufia, Egypt.


Indoor spaces represent the most important places in people's life where they live, learn, work and they spend more of their time
indoors. Thus, improving the indoor environmental quality is considered as an important step for the human health and well-being.
The research discusses the main categories of indoor environmental quality (IEQ): indoor air quality, Daylight and visual comfort,
and thermal comfort, where these categories are affected by traditional building materials that directly influence negatively on
building's occupants. Furthermore, building materials must not only do less harm but go further and regenerate the natural and
social environments. The research aimed to find out some Nano-materials that can improve the indoor environment quality and
overcoming the problems related to the environmental aspects in the educational buildings.
The building of Architecture and civil in the faculty of engineering of Menoufia University is presented as a case study, as it
underwent problems and deficiencies related to environmental aspects. Post Occupancy Evaluation will evaluate IEQ indicators
based on the occupant's opinions. The results of the research will interpret the emphasis of applying the Nano photo-catalyst
materials that may positively affect indoor environmental quality and promote occupants’ comfort, well-being and productivity.
