Load Voltage Stabilization Based On The Series Compensation

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Eng. Electric Dpt. Monufyia university


Power factor is related to line current harmonics, many types of filters are used-.to
improve the in$t power factor. Some of these circuits are used to eJiminate $e line
current harmonics and others are used to compensate the reactive power , hence thqy
improves the input power factor. p his paper introduces. a series compensation by using
controlled capacitor in series with static /dynamic load. The proposed system improves
the input power factor, reduces the input line current harmonics and can be operate as
voltage controller to regulate the load voltage without discontinuity in the current. The
proposed system can be operated as boost regulator. Hystersise controller and PI !
controller are used to control the power electronic elements operation to control the i
capacitor effect. Simulation and experimental results are in good agreement and :show ,!,
the effectiveness of the system with static or dynamic loads. j