Document Type : Original Article
Associate Professor in Production Engineering and Machine Design Department, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, EGYPT
Dandach'i J M A, Assistant Professor in Jeddah College of Technology, Mechanical Technology Department, Vehicles Section, PO Box 17608, Jeddah 21494, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Algahtani S, Assistant Professor, Dean of Faculty-Colleges ofTechnology Affairs, General Organization for Technical Education and Vocational Training, Riyadh.
Nowadays, it is well known that Aluminum and its alloys, when
reinforced with different particulate materials, can provide designers with
a group of composites of some valuable mechanical properties such as
elastic modulus, poi$son'<ratio, ultimate strength, ductility, internal
friction, and wear characterization.
Such mechanical properties are important aspects in the design
procedure for many moving and rotating parts ie the mechanicalfield.
Fiding them through an experimental way is a hard and long way as the
designer needs to prepare~many,composites al1oys:with different contents
in order to find the best fit for his,'desig". . .. I
Finding imperical formulae, which describe these mechanical properties,
gives the chance to choose the contents of the composites materials very
near to the desired contents and hence reducing the nuhber of specimens
needed in the experimental work.
In the present work, the authors suggesting some imperical formulae
based on statistical approach for thk ixpeiimental results oh the composite
material AL-7Wt% SiIAI,Op As &example, the.wear-: rite can be
predicted on different .! i..ii. loads and fbr'many sliding distiirices as bell:! Also, a
percentage error, e"$iiation was. done for the curve fiteing b'etween ,the
experimental reshlts an'd . . .the theoretical values drawn'fiom the impi'ical