المؤشرات صانعة الفروق في اطار المؤشر العام لتنافسية السياحة والسفر کمدخل لدعم التنافسية السياحية لمصر

Document Type : Original Article


1 أستاذ التخطيط الاقليمى – رئيس قسم الهندسة المعمارية جامعة القاهرة

2 أستاذ التخطيط الاقليمى - قسم الهندسة المعمارية -جامعة المنوفية

3 مدرس مساعد - قسم الهندسة المعمارية جامعة المنوفية


Tourism is the phenomenon of human vehicle, so the multiplicity of components and contrast results are
investing for the phenomena of the natural environment and cultural to find a tourism product, can be defined
tourism as: multi-dimensional phenomenon and its many activities and variety contribute each in the service of
tourist, and must be cooperation and coordination them.
The Index of competitive travel and tourism (T & TCI) is an important tool to measure and understand the
situation of tourism and access to the desired goals by measuring the extent of the competitiveness of countries
by measuring their performance within the components of the tourism industry worldwide, consists overall index
for competitive travel and tourism Competitiveness Travel and Tourism (IndexTTCI) , of three sub-indices are
as follows:
The research problem in decline arrangement Egypt in the report of a competitive tourism and travel in terms of
their competitiveness on the international level through various indicators, and the importance of research to
shed light on the case of Egypt directly, and identify indicators maker differences between Egypt and its regional
support capability competitive tourist regional banker surroundings.